The next generation of cellular mobile communications technology has arrived. 5G, which is set to succeed the 4G standard over the next few years, offers an exponential improvement in functionality over 4G it is 100 times faster and has 1,000 times more capacity.

“5G Will be a key enabler of faster mobile broadband and ultra-low latency applications in the medium long term. 5G is expected to enable a brand new category of services especially for the enterprise markets while driving for some new consumer services.”

Monetizing of 4/5G will be the impending revolution in communications infrastructure.

Innovii brings holistically monetization opportunities with 4G/5G going beyond simply charging consumers more for faster data. 4G/5G creates the potential for entirely new service offerings, use cases, business models, and revenue opportunities. Instead of relying mainly on end-users paying telecom companies directly for connectivity, operators in a 5G world could generate substantial revenues by charging the companies that are providing 5G-reliant services to their customers.

Selfcare App

How Selfcare App Solution Works?

Customer will add any service.

Admin can approve or reject the service request.

Once admin approves the service request then only the service will be listed

Customer will receive the chat notification on any new chat request.


SDF or Service Delivery Framework is a set of principles, standards, policies and constraints that is used for the creation, deployment, provision, control, charging, and management of value added services provided to the end users.

At Innovii, the SDF is intended to support multiple industries and deployments. SDF consist number enhancement on architecture level as well as analytics and big data


Who can be an Ambassador?

Every Innovii customer with ZAAD service can be an ambassador and sell Innovii data bundles and other value added services.