In recent years, the use of wireless devices such as smartphones and tablets has become faster, more secure and scalable. Various industries including financial services, telecommunications, service and retail, and information services are dealing in M-commerce to carry out most of their operations via wireless devices to provide a smooth experience to their customers. M-commerce or Mobile Commerce is quite similar to E-commerce. It is simply the buying and selling.

At Innovii, we are offering M-commerce services to assist our customers with functions like mobile shopping, mobile banking or mobile payments. Through this service, our customers can easily purchase a product, conduct financial transactions, buy products in-person or make payments without needing to swipe a card or pay with physical cash, with the help of their mobile from anywhere and at any time.

Why Choose M-Commerce Service?

There are several benefits of choosing our M-commerce service. By choosing this service our customers can have:

Access to thousands and millions of retail shops in their pocket.

Provides emergency information broadcasting.

A very convenient and easy to use system to conduct various business transactions.


Easy access to the complete information about a product or service provider before availing its services.

Our M-commerce service also acts as a good marketing tool as it can help businesses target their customers according to their location, service provider, the type of device they use and various other criteria. This can be a good marketing tool.

Choose our M-commerce service today and start getting its benefits!